Saturday, 29 January 2011

Thai Food

Thai food is very spicy with lots of chillies. Mummy likes it but I don't. I can eat the thai noodles or the fried rice though.I like chicken satay a lot. I have been eating pancakes or egg & bacon for breakfast but the thai people here eat rice & fish for breakfast! They love seafood here (squid, prawns & octopus) and I do too.
They eat chicken here but they eat ALL of it - even the head and toes!!

We went to a night market and saw loads of different types of food. I tried cheese balls, a fruit smoothie and mini banana and chocolate cakes. Yum yum.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Snorkelling Fun

Yesterday I went snorkelling off a boat. The fish were beautiful and very colourful. It was so amazing to see them so close. I swam over a coral reef. It was so fun jumping off the boat!
We also went past an island full of monekeys and we fed them from the boat.

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Ko Chang Paradise

Now we have moved to Ko Chang. Chang means elephant so this is 'elephant island'.
This is our hut, it is right on the sea edge. It's nice because when you wake up you hear the sea and you can swim before breakfast. I love it.

I like catching crabs. There are loads of little ones on the beach here.
 They dig deep holes and make little balls with the sand. 

You have to be super quick to catch one!!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Our Leaving Ceremony

When it was time for us to leave the Mahout camp they gave us a special leaving ceremony. A monk made lots of prayers and offerings - even a pigs head! Luckily we didn't have to eat it!

They tied special strings around our wrists and said prayers to wish us health and safety for our lives!
 We were sad to say goodbye to our mahouts and our lovely elephants. xx

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Mahouts Houses

The mahouts are the people who look after the elephants. They live in house made from eucalyptus trees and palm leaf roofs.

The elephants live in shelters next to them called  Baan Chang. Chang means elephant. The houses are quite basic.
We have been staying in a modern house. Quite nice!

Guess the parts!!

We have taken some close ups of different parts of the elephant. Can you guess what they all are??!!

More elephant riding!

When people are more confident they ride on the elephants' head instead of the seat. I don't really like going on the head because it is so itchy! The elephant's hair is like wire!

They make rings from the tail hair. They are supposed to be lucky!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Motorbike rides

I like going on the motorbike, it is lots of fun. Nearly everyone has motorbikes in Thailand! The mahouts use their bikes to go out and collect grass every morning from the fields to feed the elephants.

Maisie is mad about motorbikes and is always asking to go for a ride!


In their spare time the mahouts make grasshoppers made out of palm leaves. We had a go at making them too - it was very tricky! I made an aeroplane.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011


Today my mahout found a beautiful lizard. In Thailand they eat lizards! I played with  it and  let it go up a tree. It  was  very well camoflaged.

Elephant Bath!

Ever day  we wash the elephants. I like putting it down their trunk and they blow it on their back - and me! They need a wash because they get very very hot and dusty.

An elephant needs 200kg of food every day - so they spend a long time eating!! They cut long grass and pineapple leaves to feed them.

Monday, 10 January 2011

First day with elephants

Today we went to meet our elephants. My elephant is called Wanchai! Maisie's elephant is called Poonsap. I loved feeding them and we had our first ride into the jungle on them. It was so hot I went to sleep on the elephant and it was very comfy! Soon I will learn to ride without a chair. Maisie like riding on her elephant too.

First few days - so far so good

I liked going on the aeroplane because I got an aeroplane model of the plane we were on. I slept all night on the plane and I missed my supper!

It was very hot when we got to Bangkok and I got big mosquito bites. We took a taxi to the hotel and had a swim in the pool.

Thailand is a buddhist country and every house and even hotels have a spirit house where people make offerings to the spirits.

We looked at lots of street food and it looked nice. We saw one man cooking flattened squid, some with chicken satay and this man with popcorn. I bought some and it was yummy.
